How to copy movies to iPhone?

You know that you can play movies in your iPhone, but you do not know how to copy movies into your iPhone?

Here is the way:
  • Download a FREE copy of Any Video Converter.
  • After that, convert your movies by using the Any Video Converter. Before convert the movies, just set the quality of the output to maximum. Such as 640 by 480 pixels, 30 fps and etc.
  • When the conversion is done, the output files will be in mp4 format.
  • Then, add the mp4 files to the iTunes on your PC. Make sure they are added to the play-list and also selected in -> Movies tab.
  • After that, just sync your iPhone. Wait for a while (depends on how big is the file size) and you will enjoy the movies from your iPhone later.
According to the iPhone official site, the iPhone battery power can stand up to 10 hours for video playback. So enjoy your movies : )

Learnt from: Vincent Tan