One Time Setup:
a). Install Dropbox ( on your computer. Define a folder for Dropbox contents. For example: D:\Dropbox.
b). Install TortoiseSVN on your computer:
c). Once you have set this up, run the Dropbox.exe. You will get the shared folder, for example "REPOSITORIES", inside D:\Dropbox. This is the SVN repositories folder. Please DO NOT delete or edit this folder.
d). Now, create a workspace folder to checkout the SVN. For example: D:\Workspace. Right-click this folder, select "SVN Checkout...". You will need to link the URL of repository to D:\Dropbox\REPOSITORIES\ folder.
e). After that, you shall be able to see the following folders in D:\Workspace: .svn, branches, tags, trunk.
f). Now, you will get all of the latest source codes and scripts in D:\Workspace folder.
Standard Operation Procedure Before Development:
a). Before development, make sure you run Dropbox.exe to update the latest files from the team members, if any. Once all files are up-to-date, please exit Dropbox.exe.
b). After that, right-click the D:\Workspace folder and select SVN Update. System will update all of the changes done by your team members, if any. In case there is any conflict files (Exclamation marked), please kindly proceed to do a merging before start the development or changes.
c). Now, you may start your development or changes as usual. DO NOT run Dropbox.exe when you are developing your codes or changing any contents.
Standard Operation Procedure After Development:
a). After development, please kindly save all of the changes and close the development compiler. DO NOT run Dropbox.exe at this moment.
b). Then, right-click the D:\Workspace folder and select SVN Commit.... Remember to write some meaningful comments in the text box to keep track the SVN commit history. System will automatically commit the changes done by you to D:\Dropbox\REPOSITORIES\ folder. To save the updating time, please DO NOT commit EXE files, DLL files, BIN folder, OBJ folder, LOGS folder, MSI files and etc.
c). Once the SVN commit is done, run Dropbox.exe now. System will automatically sync the changes from your computer to Dropbox cloud, so your team members will be able to retrieve your changes.