The easiest way to do it using the keytool command.
keytool -printcert -jarfile <apk_file>
Programming Explorer : This is the place that I would like to share with you about my IT knowledge and experience. Some of the articles are copied from others in the internet. Some are originally come from my findings.
The easiest way to do it using the keytool command.
keytool -printcert -jarfile <apk_file>
Visual Studio Code v1.83.1
1). When you try to debug your Flutter project, you see this error message at the Terminal "Could not start Dart VM service HTTP server"
a). Please go to <Your_Project_Path>\android\app\src\debug folder, confirm if you have AndroidManifest.xml in that debug folder.
b). Go to <Your_Project_Path>android\app\src\profile folder, copy AndroidManifest.xml and paste it to the debug folder at Step [a].
c). Type 'flutter run' at Terminal and Hot Reload, Hot Restart should work now.
Explanation at Flutter Docs did mention how Dart VM service work with that Hot Reload and Hot Restart features. Refer
Happy coding!