Programming Explorer : This is the place that I would like to share with you about my IT knowledge and experience. Some of the articles are copied from others in the internet. Some are originally come from my findings.
Shared memory not intialized for INFORMIXSERVER
a). Get the latest backup of the database. We assume there is ontape backup.
b). Do a ontape restore.
c). Load in the data until up-to-date.
oninit in Informix
The command is to start up the Informix database, in case it is in shut down mode.
oninit -iy
Take not that oninit -iy will clear all of the existing data in your Informix database. This is called "disk space initialisation".
It uses the values that are stored in the onconfig file to create the initial space on disk for storing data.
When you initialize disk space, the database server automatically initializes shared memory as part of the process.
When you initialize disk space, you overwrite whatever is on that disk space.
If you re-initialize disk space for an existing database server, all of the data in the earlier database server becomes inaccessible and destroyed.
Recall : HP Notebook PC Battery Pack
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, on May 14, 2009. HP announced a worldwide voluntary recall and replacement program for battery packs used in certain HP notebook PCs. HP customers with a battery pack affected by this program will be eligible to receive a replacement battery pack for each verified and recalled battery pack at no cost.
We are taking this action as part of our commitment to provide the highest quality of service to our notebook customers. We are proactively notifying you of this issue and are prepared to replace all verified battery packs.
Note: This recall is unrelated to any previous battery pack recalls.
HP and the battery cell manufacturer believe that certain battery packs shipped in HP notebook PC products manufactured between August 2007and January 2008 may pose a potential safety hazard to customers. The batteries can overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard.
Click here for full announcement from HP official site
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The easiest way to do it using the keytool command. Example: keytool -printcert -jarfile <apk_file>