How to Improve the speed of your computer?

1. "Start" button -> "Run" -> Key in "regedit" and then press "ENTER".

2. In the "Registry Editor", goto "HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management".

3. In the right-hand-side pane, double-click the "DisablePagingExecutive".

4. In the "Edit DWORD Value" form, key in 1 for the "Value Data". Please make sure the "Base" is "Hexadecimal".

5. Click the "OK" button and then close the "Registry Editor".

6. Restart your computer to take effect.

Version numbers in .NET?

'Version number of the program created by you:


'Version number of the common language runtime:


'Version number of the operating system:


How to For...Loop in SQL statement for Oracle?

-- Assign the data in Table_Name to objX in For...Loop method.
For objX In (Select Field_Name From Table_Name) Loop

-- You can use the Field_Name in Table_Name with objX object now.
If objX.Field_Name = 'OK' Then
-- Some process that you want to do.
End If;

End Loop;

How to call a function within PL/ SQL?


-- Initialize the date variable.
strDateVar Date;


-- Call the function and return the value to the variable.
strDateVar := PACKAGE_NAME.Function_Name(Any_related_arguments);


How to install Microsoft Loopback Adapter? 2

Go to Control Panel -> Add Hardware.

In the Add Hardware Wizard, click the Next button.

System will start the searching for hardware that is not yet been installed.

System will double check with you "Is the hardware connected?". Click the "Yes, I have already connected the hardware" and then click the Next button.

Scroll the list until you see "Add a new hardware device". Select it and then click the Next button.

When you see "The wizard can help you install other hardware", select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)" and then click the Next button.

Now, select "Network adapters" and then click the Next button.

Select "Microsoft" in the manufacturer list. After that, select "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" in the network adapter list. Then, click the Next button.

Click the Next button.

Installation is completed now. Click the Finish button.

You can review the Microsoft Loopback Adapter that you have installed just now from the Network Connections.

Safari version 3.1

This is the latest browser from Apple Inc.

Previously, this browser is only developed for Apple Mac, but because of the internet browser market is become bigger and bigger, thus Apple now is trying to expand its territory from Mac to PC based computer.

In order to compete with the existing competitors, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox, Safari is equipped with some useful features such as Bonjour, wider-browsing-screen, faster loading time, faster when execute JavaScript, looks clean, better graphics and fonts, and etc.

Below are my test results:

a). Safari really able to load faster than Mozilla Firefox; but Safari will cost a little bit more of memory usage.

b). Bookmarks feature is not-so-user-friendly if compare to Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7. Beside that, anyone can tell me how to sort Bookmarks in Safari?

c). The default theme for Safari is not that good at the upper section. Those bars, tabs and fonts are come in dark gray color, so you will need to pay more attention to which tab you are accessing and be extra careful when you try to click the tabs.

d). Safari is not able to differentiate which hyperlink is visited. This feature is not comes with the Mozilla Firefox as well; but for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, the feature is ready.

Overall, I will give 75 points to this browser.

Official website:

How to connect from Windows Mobile emulator to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?

Beside coding part, there are some settings that developers should do before trying to establish database connection from Windows Mobile emulator to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition:

1). Check your Windows Mobile emulator, make sure the network adapter is enabled:

2). Check your SQL Server Configuration Manager, make sure the TCP/ IP is enabled and other settings are set properly:

3). Finally, add the TCP port that using by Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition into the Windows Firewall -> Exceptions:

Latest Update!

How if you still cannot establish the connection from Windows Mobile emulator to your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?

Please try the following method, it's proven workable:

(a). Go to Emulator Properties, tick the Enable NE2000 PCMCIA network adapter and bind to check box. Make sure the drop-down-list is display your network adapter's name.

(b). Click the OK button.

(c). In the emulator screen, click File -> Reset -> Hard.

(d). Wait until the emulator complete the restart process.

(e). Now, you should be able to establish the connection from Windows Mobile emulator.

How to install Microsoft Loopback Adapter? 1

To install Microsoft Loopback Adapter

1. In the host operating system, right-click My Computer, and then select Properties. Depending on the style of the Start menu, My Computer may be located in the Start menu.

2. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Hardware tab, click Add Hardware Wizard.

3. In the Add Hardware dialog box, click Next.

4. When the Is the hardware connected? dialog box appears, click Yes, I have already connected the hardware, and then click Next.

5. In the Installed hardware list, click Add a new hardware device, and then click Next.

6. In the What do you want the wizard to do? list, click Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced), and then click Next.

7. In the Common hardware types list, click Network adapters, and then click Next.

8. In the Manufacturer list, click Microsoft.

9. In the Network Adapter list, click Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then click Next twice.

10. If a message about driver signing appears, click Continue Anyway.

11. In the Completing the Add Hardware Wizard dialog box, click Finish, and then click OK.

To perform this procedure, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. If the computer is joined to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might be able to perform this procedure. As a security best practice, consider using Securing Virtual Server to perform this procedure.

For more information, please refer to